Thursday, July 25, 2013

Soy-based lunch kills 22 children in India: Have GMOs and pesticides become instant killers?

GMOs not needed: Brazil scientists developing lifesaving superfoods through traditional plant breeding methods

New technology capable of better detecting GMOs in food, animal feed and seeds
Droplet Digital PCR, or ddPCR, works to improve GMO screening efforts in the more than 60 countries around the world that now require GMO labeling.

And ddPCR appears to be not only more accurate than existing technologies, but also more cost effective.

Soy-based lunch kills 22 children in India: Have GMOs and pesticides become instant killers?
At least 22 children in India have died as a result of eating soy-based school lunches served to them in the country's Bihar state, according to new reports. The tainted lunches, which were loaded with genetically-modified (GM) soybeans and pesticide chemical residues, were given to the student victims as part of a U.K.-based government meal program similar to the one currently being implemented in the U.S. by Michelle Obama for American public schoolchildren.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Beware of Monsanto's GM sweet corn with built-in pesticides

US Military, Monsanto Targeting GMO Activists and Independent Scientists, New Investigation Alleges 

Research - Roundup toxicity much worse than what Monsanto, government claims
July 11, 2013

Summertime reminder: Beware of Monsanto's GM sweet corn with built-in pesticides

Pesticides containing genetically-modified scorpion poison to become recombinant DNA in GM crops

The era of stratospheric geoengineering: Chemtrails, greenhouse-grown organic food, and the future of planet earth

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Unapproved genetically-modified rice trials in U.S. have contaminated the world's rice supply

Anti-GMO online rally goes global: Join the cause by uploading your video on July 24
July 07, 2013

Unapproved genetically-modified rice trials in U.S. have contaminated the world's rice supply

July 03, 2013
New evidence has emerged suggesting that the entire global supply of rice may have already been contaminated by unapproved, genetically-modified (GM) rice varieties manufactured by the American multinational corporation Bayer CropScience. A recent entry in the GM Contamination Register explains that between the years of 2006 and 2007, three different varieties of illegal GM rice, none of which have ever been approved for cultivation or consumption anywhere in the world, were identified in more than 30 countries worldwide.

Genetically-modified soy, Roundup destroying life in South America

July 03, 2013

Brave food sovereignty heroes destroy 6,000 genetically-modified sugar beets in Oregon